A breath of fresh air can change everything. Seeing as eBay’s logo was once described as “the poor man’s Google”, it was time for a change. eBay is one of, if not the, biggest commerce website in the world for used items. To fight back against the rise of sites like Etsy and Amazon, eBay has been given a new logo evocative of the current era of online shopping, as well as a new moniker: The Home of Hobbies. No matter how niche, you can find whatever hobby you like on eBay. From knitted dog hats to vintage LEGO space sets, eBay has it all. The color palette was tweaked to be more vibrant, and our advertising took on a look that was modernized with a dash of retro goodness in there. Our rebrand consisted of three parts: the #findyourniche campaign, the Nichemaster Competition, and the eBay HobbyShop.

All product imagery used in this project is pulled directly from eBay sellers.


A key part of our marketing campaign was creating the idea that no matter how niche your interests might be, you could find them all on eBay. Research was done to determine which niche hobbies would be spotlighted in our marketing. We wanted them to be unique but still accessible for a wide variety of interests. The #findyourniche hashtag was also created so shoppers could share the awesome niche finds they found on eBay.


take a look at the social posts up close below!

social media ads

out of home ads


Part Two of this campaign was the Nichemaster competition: Sellers of niche hobbies would be voted on by shoppers, and whoever received the most votes during the month-long process would win $1 Million, as well as a special highlight spot on the eBay homepage. This campaign ran with physical ads as well as a microsite that explained the competition as well as showcased a list of finalists where shoppers could vote.


To wrap up this project, we designed a traveling exhibition for the eBay HobbyShop. Sellers competing for the Nichemaster Competition could set up shop and sell their niche products. We figured that while competitors might have good relationships with customers, it would be nice for them to set up a physical storefront for a weekend, interface with consumers in real life, and get the votes they need to win the Nichemaster competition. This would travel across the country to major areas and set up in convention centers.


For educational purposes only.